Service Mesh How We Swapped Out Our Service Mesh, without Anyone Noticing The future of routing at BigCommerce is wide open.
architecture Featured Native & React Native @ BigCommerce Cross-platform tools "... allowed a team of motivated engineers who had never coded mobile apps to create an impressive full-functioning prototype that turned this exploratory project into a product driven venture for our team."
architecture A Simple Architecture for Mobile Apps Whether on-boarding a user, signing in to a service, or simply using a tab-based app with navigation stacks of different screens, almost any app process can be described as a flow of screens and information. It all begins with a start.
architecture Iteratively Decoupling Legacy Architecture TL;DR: Move Service Locator calls up the object graph iteratively. ALSO: Poor Man's Dependency Injection breaks testing. Avoid it. More and more, application architecture is migrating towards Dependency Injection to decouple components and ease testing. One of the challenges of applying this to existing applications is how